Scientific Program
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Joint WG: Interventional Cardiology & Paediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care & Congenital Heart Surgery Percutaneous Therapies to Treat Advanced Heart Failure Chairs: Gianfranco Butera, Italy & Zdenka Reinhardt, UK Heart failure in CHD burden and medical treatments - Karin Tran Lundmark, Ireland Surgical options: ECMO, VAD, artifical heart(s), heart transplantation - Antonio Amodeo, Italy Atrial septal defect creation in HF - Gareth Morgan, USA Percutaneous mechanical support (Impella) in acute HF - Kira Kuschnerus, Germany Role of Cardiomems - Federico Larraya, Spain
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Joint WG: Cardiovascular Morphology & Cardiac Imaging & Adult Congenital Heart Disease Functionally Univentricular Hearts and Borderline Ventricles Chairs: Inga Voges, Germany & Lucile Houyel, France Nomenclature and classification of functionally univentricular hearts - Matthias Sigler, Germany Morphology of functionally univentricular hearts and borderline ventricles - Annalisa Angelini, Italy Imaging-morphology correlations of functionally univentricular hearts and borderline ventricles - Seda Tierney, USA Long-term follow up of Fontan patients - Jaspal Dua, UK
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology Is There a Place for EP Testing in CHD Patient Before Intervention/Surgery: In Whom, When and How ? Chairs: Joachim Hebe, Germany & Joachim Photiadis, Germany Tetralogy of Fallot - Katja Zeppenfield, The Netherlands Ebstein anomaly - John Triedman, USA pre-Fontan physiology - Thomas Kriebel, Germany through the eyes of a surgeon - Mark Hazekamp, The Netherlands
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Joint WG: Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Failure and Transplantation & Cardiac Imaging & Task force on clinical drug trials Home Monitoring for PH and HF Chairs: Estelle Naumburg, Sweden & Maurice Beghetti, Switzerland Remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in children with heart failure including Fontan - Damien Bonnet, France Remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring in children with PH - Julie Wacker, Switzerland Exercise monitoring in children with HF or PH: role of actigraphy - Rolf Berger, The Netherlands Remote monitoring as clinical trial endpoint in HF and PH ? - Michal Odermarsky, Sweden
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 5
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Separate WG: Junior Council Chat GPT Basic Knowledge in Pediatric Cardiology Chairs: Guilherme Lourenço, Portugal & Sara Moscatelli, UK Keep calm and find your approach to the scary ECG - Andrea Bueno Gomez, Spain How to check adn program a PM and ICD in emegerncy situations - Cristina Raimondo, Italy Neonatal and fetal arrhythmias in practice:no ear, just follow the lines - Silvia Garibaldi, Italy
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:30:00
Separate WG: Genetics, Basic Science and Myocardial Disease Precision Medicine: an emerging subspeciality in the management of rare cardiac diseases Chairs: Sabine Klaassen, Germany & Anwar Baban, Italy Novel therapeutic approaches in cardiomyopathies: what can we learn from adult cohorts? - Juan Pablo Kaski, UK Personalized approach in Channelopathies: Genetic Profiling and Risk Stratification. - Georgia Sarquella Brugada, Spain MEK1 inhibitors in the treatment of RASopathies. - Cordula Wolf, Germany From multisystemic diseases to potentially missed cardiac diseases - Anwar Baban, Italy Emerging Biomarkers for Early Detection of Cardiomyopathies. - Diala Khraiche, France
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG:Cardiac Imaging Unbalanced AVSD: How to Ameliorate Risk Stratification Chairs: Tara Bharucha, UK & Carolyn Altman, USA Unbalanced AVSD: definition and risk assessment - Meryl Cohen, USA 3D echo assessemnt of uAVSD - Owen Miller, UK Intra-operative assessement of uAVSD - Craig Fleishman, USA Follow up of uAVSD undergoing biventricular repair - Giovanni Di Salvo, Italy
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Joint WG: Interventional Cardiology & Paediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care ECMO and interventions Chairs: Nik Haas, Germany & Gianfranco Butera, Italy If the cannula doesn’t sit – percutaneous techniques to resolve - Robert-Jan Houmes, The Netherlands Electrophsiology on ECMO – easy? - Eric Rosenthal, UK VA ECMO and the atrial septum – to vent or not to vent? To stent or not to stent? - Alban Baruteau, France
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG: Hamburg LOC Session III Chairs: Gil Wernovsky, USA & Nora Lang, Germany Keynote Lecture “Should the Norwood procedure be abandoned?” (25 min) - Gil Wernovsky, USA The Norwood Procedure – (15 min) - Tomasz Mroczek, Poland The Nonsurgical Stage I – Experience with Pulmonary Flow Restrictors (15 min) - Dietmar Schranz, Germany
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 5
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiovascular Morphology Hands on Morphology of Functional Univentricular Hearts Chairs: Annalisa Angelini, Italy & Bjarke Jensen, The Netherlands Tutor - Robert Anderson, UK Tutor - Lucile Houyel, France Tutor - Monique Jongbloed, The Netherlands Tutor - Matthias Sigler, Germany Tutor - Roelof-Jan Oostra, The Netherlands
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Joint WG: Cardiac Imaging & Congenital Heart Surgery & Interventional Cardiology Imaging and Management of Lymphatic Disorders in Congenital Heart Disease Chairs: Nora Lang, Germany & Vibeke Hjortal, Denmark Where are we in Europe with lymphatic interventions for CHD? - Colin McMahon, Ireland How best to image patients with lymphatic disorders with CHD - Inga Voges, Germany Potential registry and algorithm for management of lymphatic disorders in Europe - Sanam Saifi, Denmark Lymphatic interventional procedures should be offered at every centre v. specialist centres - Petru Liuba, Sweden
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Joint WG: Cardiac Imaging & Fetal Cardiology & Interventional Cardiology What's New for Tetralogy of Fallot. A Journey Through Each Stage of Life. Chairs: Almudena Ortiz, Spain & Nathaniel Barber, Australia Foetal diagnosis and red flags that you should not miss - Laura Vazquez, UK Neonatal and early life, proper imaging assessment and early follow up is important. - Maraisa Spada, UK Imaging assessment in adolescent life and changes that should ring a bell. - Idoia Grange, UK Adulthood in TOF patients, need for re-intervention and how to make it right. - María Toledano, Spain
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Joint WG: Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Failure and Transplantation & Paediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care AI in the ICU - A tool to Guide Treatment of Critical Cardiovascular Conditions Chairs: Nicole Sekarski, Switzerland & Georg Hansmann, Germany Clinical Decision-Support Systems for Detection of Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Sepsis, and Septic Shock in Critically Ill Patients - Thomas Jack, Germany heart failure and cardiac arrest - can AI predict this lethal combination? - Ricardo Munoz, USA Beyond Conventional Hemodynamic Monitoring-Monitoring to Improve Our Understanding of Disease Process and Interventions - Mjaye Mazwi, USA Digital twins are the future of cardiac ICU care? Pro and Con - Christian Schroder, Germany Digital twins are the future of cardiac ICU care? Pro and Con - Michael Kim, USA
Date: May 29, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology Concerns in Management of Channelopathies Chairs: Arthur Wilde, The Netherlands Malignant LQT syndrome in neonates: how to treat - Nico Blom, The Netherlands Brugada syndrome in pre-pubertal age: really at risk? - Cecilia Gonzalez, Canada CPVT in adolescents: any role for ICD? - Christian Van der Werf, The Netherlands Short QT syndrome: what to do? - Andrea Mazzanti, Italy
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Cardiac Imaging & Congenital Heart Surgery Artificial intelligence, Virtual Reality and Cardiac Modeling Chairs: Gerald Greil, USA & Caner Salih, UK Deep learning in CMR imaging: new perspectives - Vivek Muthurangu, UK Deep learning in echocardiography: where are we standing? - Luc Mertens, Canada Cardiac Modeling to plan surgical procedures - Marie Schafstedde, Germany Virtual reality: a surgeons view - Daniel Zimpfer, Austria
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Genetics, Basic Science and Myocardial Disease & Congenital Heart Surgery & Cardiac Imaging Joint Session on Updated Guidelines: Aorta Chairs: Laura Muino-Mosquera, Belgium & Ruth Heying, Germany What's new in aorta guidelines? - Laura Muino-Mosquera, Belgium How to use imaging results for clinical management in paediatric patients with aortopathy - Thomas Mir, Germany Extra-aortic imaging in patients with aortopathy: when to perform? - Anna Sabaté, Spain New surgical perspective for aortic disease - Filip Rega, Belgium
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Paediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care & Adult Congenital Heart Disease Challenges in intensive Care in ACHD Chairs: Paolo Ferrero, Italy & Nicole Sekarski, Switzerland Pro: Adults with CHD need to be treated in a pediatric CICU - Joan Sanchez de Toledo, Spain Contra: Adults with CHD need to be treated in pediatric CICU - David Mayhew, UK Postoperative Arrythmias : what to expect and how to anticipate - Mathieu Le Bloa, Switzerland Pregnancy in ACHD: what to expect and how to anticipate - Jaspal Dua, UK
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 6
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Separate WG: Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Failure and Transplantation Ethical and Challenging Issues in Heart Failure and Transplant Care Chairs: Colin McMahon, Ireland & Thomas Moller, Norway What criteria should we use to decline listing for cardiac transplantation? - Hakan Wåhlander, Sweden Where are we in paediatric heart failure when it comes to ARNi, SGLT2i and ivabradine? - Joe Rossano, USA When should we stop VAD/MCS support? - Hannes Sallmon, Germany Is listing with high antibody status realistic in current era? - Zdenka Reinhardt, UK
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 7
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Nursing and Allied Health Professionals & Neurodevelopment and Psycho-Social Care Health Disparities Encountered by Patients with CHD Chairs: Eva Goossens, Belgium & Edward Callus, Italy Challenges faced when providing CHD care in a multicultural context - Katya De Groote, Belgium Does environment impact the health of patients with CHD? - Regina Bökenkamp, The Netherlands Money Matters: Addressing Financial Inequities in Congenital Heart Disease Care - Amy Verstappen, USA Interactive audience panel discussion - Edward Callus, Italy
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 11:00:00 - 11:30:00
Hausdorf Lecture Chairs: Thomas Krasemann, The Netherlands & Sir Shakeel Qureshi, UK Hybrid is philosophy - Dietmar Schranz, Germany
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 7
Time: 11:30:00 - 13:00:00
Joint WG: Neurodevelopment and Psycho-Social Care & Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Failure and Transplantation & Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Eligibility and Timing for Heart or Heart-Lung Transplantation: Navigating Complexities in the Heart Transplantation Journey Chairs: Adam James, Ireland & Julie Wacker, Switzerland Organisation of heart transplantation in Europe - Colin McMahon, Ireland Heart transplantation in children with comorbidity: how do we decide - Hakan Wåhlander, Sweden The patient/parent perspectives - Mattias Van Heetvelde, Belgium
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 13:00:00 - 14:30:00
Separate WG: Interventional Cardiolog Juniors Meet Seniors Chairs: Thomas Krasemann, The Netherlands & Enrico Piccinelli, Italy
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Imaging New Technologies for Advanced Echocardiographic Ventricular Function Evaluation in Children Chairs: Craig Fleishman, USA & Kai Thorsten Laser, Germany How to increase accuracy and reproducibility of ventricular function evaluation by echo: 2D, 3D, strain - Piers Barker, USA 3D and artificial intelligence for automatic assessment of the ventricles - Diala Khraiche, France Diastolic function in neonates, infants and children: What is feasible and What is not - Massimiliano Cantinotti, Italy Echo vs MRI: how to Interpret different data - Carolyn Altman, USA
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Joint WG: Pulmonary Hypertension, Heart Failure and Transplantation & Adult Congenital Heart Disease Heart Failure and Fontan Circulation Chairs: Jaspal Dua, UK & Alexander van de Bruaene, Belgium Burden of Fontan Circulation and Failing Fontan Phenotypes - Milind Chaudhari, UK Transcatheter Interventions for Fontan Failure - Massimo Chessa, Italy Mechanical support strategies for Fontan Failure - Where are we at present? - Magalie Ladouceur, Switzerland
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiovascular Morphology Meet the Morphologist Chairs: Matthias Sigler, Germany & Nikola Topuzov, Poland Comments and explantations following a case presentation - Robert Anderson, UK Comments and explantations following a case presentation - Annalisa Angelini, Italy Comments and explantations following a case presentation - Lucile Houyel, France Comments and explantations following a case presentation - Monique Jongbloed, The Netherlands
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 5
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Joint WG: Sports Cardiology, Physical Activity and Prevention & Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology Common and Challenging Arrhythmias in Children in the Sports Setting – Joint Insights From the Electrophysiologist and the Sports Cardiologist Chairs: Fabrizio Drago, Italy & Guido Pieles, UK Short QT syndrome - Maria Miszczak-Knecht, Poland Short QT syndrome - Cecilia Gonzalez, Canada Brugada Syndrome - Georgia Sarquella Brugada, Spain Brugada Syndrome - Roman Gebauer, Germany WPW/ AET/ JET - Graham Stuart, UK WPW/ AET/ JET - Fabrizio Drago, Italy VT in Cardiomyopathies - Thomas Kriebel, Germany VT in Cardiomyopathies - Guido Pieles, UK
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 6
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Joint WG: Fetal Cardiology & Congenital Heart Surgery & Interventional Cardiology Prematurity and Congenital Heart Disease: What's Known and Why it’s Important? Chairs: Sophie Duignan, Ireland & Hitendu Dave, Switzerland Balancing the risks and benefits of early delivery in CHD - Anna Seale, UK Prematurity and CHD: The Interventionalist’s Perspective - Thomas Krasemann, The Netherlands Prematurity and CHD: The Congenital Heart Disease Surgeon’s Perspective - Hitendu Dave, Switzerland Prematurity and CHD: The Neurodevelopmental Perspective - Gil Wernovsky, USA
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 7
Time: 14:30:00 - 16:00:00
Separate WG: Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Florence Nightingale Lecture We've come a long way but... ’Bridging visibility to the invisibility of heart disease in children and young people’ - Jo Wray, UK
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Joint WG: Interventional Cardiology & Cardiac Imaging Better interventions with Less Radiation – Now and in the Future Chairs: Peter Ewert, Germany Planning of complex interventions in the modern era – do we still need angios? - Sven Knecht, Switzerland Interventions with echo guidance only – from ASD occlusions to premie PDA closures? - Georgiev Stanimir, Germany Catheterisation in the MR suite – is this the future? - Gianfranco Butera, Italy Virtual reality imaging before interventions – really useful or just fancy? - Natasha Stephenson, UK
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Imaging Understanding CCTGA and How to Route Your Patient Through Life Chairs: Owen Miller, UK & Francesca Raimondi, Italy CCTGA explained and stratified - Matthias Sigler, Germany The Ebstenoid valve: echo and CMR evaluation of valve composition and function - Inga Voges, Germany Serial CMR, ready for clinical guidance of the double switch? - Rebecca Beroukhim, USA The imaging perspective of the adult cardiologist: what can we learn for today's patients? - Alexander van de Bruaene, Belgium
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology ECG Quiz Chairs: Juha-Matti Happonen, Finland & ECQ Quiz - Joachim Hebe, Germany & Fabrizio Drago, Italy
Date: May 30, 2025 | Hall: 7
Time: 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Separate WG: Nursing and Allied Health Professionals Heartfelt Nutrition: Optimizing Care for Children and Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Chairs: Amanda Potterton, UK & Lynda Shaughnessy, UK NEC: to feed or not to feed? - Adam James, Ireland Challenges and barriers to optimizing nutrition in children with CHD - Brittany Rothman, UK Nutritional management in ICU care - Lyvonne Thume, UK
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Cardiac Imaging & American Society of Echocardiography Advance 3D and 4D Echocardiography of Valve Defects in Children Chairs: Carolyn Altman, USA & Massimiliano Cantinotti, Italy 3D echo assessment of pediatric TV defects - Pei-Ni Jone, USA 3D echo assessment of pediatric MV defects - John Simpson, UK Interventional echo guidance for valve therapy (PVR, TAVR, etc) - Craig Fleishman, USA Fusion imaging the evaluation of VA valve defects - Israel Valverde, Canada
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Joint WG: Cardiovascular Morphology & Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology & Fetal Cardiology Heterotaxy - A Spectrum of Challenges Chairs: Monique Jongbloed, The Netherlands & Agnieszka Grzyb, Poland Development of laterality - Sigolène Meilhac, France Morphology of cardiac laterality defects - Robert Anderson, UK Heart rhythm and conduction abnormalities in heterotaxy - Jan Till, UK Extracardiac abnormalities in heterotaxy - Adam Kolesnik, Poland
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Separate WG: Hamburg LOC “Presidents Session”: Fontan Failure and Therapeutic Options Chairs: Daniel Zimpfer, Austria & Rainer Kozlik-Feldmann, Germany Ventricle failure vs. subpulmonary failure - (15 min) - Marc Gewillig, Belgium Advanced heart failure management and listing for HTX - (15 min) - Zdenka Reinhardt, UK Bridging to listing: New assist strategies - (15 min) - Francois Roubertie, France The Fontan Mini-Pump: Aspects for the future - (15 min) - Michael Hübler, Germany
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Separate WG: Adult Congenital Heart Disease Adult Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease: Learning by Cases Chairs: Pierpaolo Bassareo, Ireland & Paolo Ferrero, Italy Adult patient with Pulmonary hypertension and ongoing left to right shunt. Shall we repair? - Giulia Guglielmi, UK Adult and elderly patient with Ebstein anomaly. When repair is still an option? - Irene Ferrari, Germany Advanced heart failure in complex CHD: Is this a good substrate for heart transplant? - Jolanda Sabatino, Italy Improving outcomes for transplantation in failing Fontan - Barbara Cardoso, UK
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 5
Time: 09:00:00 - 10:30:00
Separate WG: Education Committee Entrustable Professional Activities- Do We Need a Structural Training? Pro – Con Chairs: Dimpna Albert-Brotons, Saudi Arabia & Ornella Milanesi, Italy EPAs – practical impact - Merja Kallio, Finland Constructive feed-back – how does it improve training? - Enrico Piccinelli, Italy Structural training – PRO - Skaiste Sendzikaite, Lithuania
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 1
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Joint WG: Cardiac Imaging & Congenital Heart Surgery How to Manage Uncertainty in Decision-Making of CHD Chairs: Hitendu Dave, Switzerland & Massimiliano Cantinotti, Italy Pitfalls, heuristics and biases in decision-making & AI support - Colin McMahon, Ireland Optimal timing and imaging indications for treatment of subaortic stenosis - Tal Geva, USA When to operate on VSD with and without aortic cusp prolapse - Yiu-fai Cheung, Hong Kong When are surgeries too high risk? - ethical decisions on high risk surgeries - Jeffrey Jacobs, USA
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 2
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Imaging Imaging Debate: Ideal Assessment of a Patient with Complex CHD Chairs: Emanuela Valsangiacomo Buechel, Switzerland & Heynric Grotenhuis, The Netherlands Echocardiography is enough for heterotaxy and complex CHD: con - Owen Miller, UK Echocardiography is enough for heterotaxy and complex CHD: pro - Ulrike Herberg, Germany 3D printing and virtual reality for surgical decision making: pro - Gerald Greil, USA 3D printing and virtual reality for surgical decision making: con - Francesca Raimondi, Italy
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 3
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Separate WG: Sports Cardiology, Physical Activity and Prevention The Paediatric Athletes in the Spotlight – Introducing the First Ever EAPC/AEPC and the FIFA Paediatric Cardiac Screening Recommendations Chairs: Guido Pieles, UK & Elena Cavarretta, Italy Introducing the FIFA U17 cardiac screening recommendations - Guido Pieles, UK Paediatric sports cardiology – a much needed specialty requiring its own guidelines ? - Peter Fritsch, Austria Introducing the EAPC/AEPC paediatric athlete cardiac screening recommendations - Elena Cavarretta, Italy
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 4
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Separate WG: Cardiac Dysrhythmias and Electrophysiology Arrhythmic Nightmares Chairs: Fabrizio Drago, Italy & Ferran Roses-Noguer, Spain Device - Roman Gebauer, Germany EP LAB - Ulrich Krause, Germany ICU - Alice Maltret, France Outpatient Clinic - Laszlo Kornyei, Hungary
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 6
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Separate WG: Paediatric Cardiovascular Intensive Care Hot Topics in Pediatric Intensive Care Units: State of the Art Chairs: Joan Sanchez de Toledo, Spain & Nicole Sekarski, Switzerland AI in the Intensive Care Unit: state of the art - Ricardo Munoz, USA Benchmarking and Transparency - Andrew Taylor, UK Place of new anticoagulants in ICU - Oliver Karam, USA Nutrition in the ICU: to feed ot not to feed - Ségolène Bernheim, France
Date: May 31, 2025 | Hall: 7
Time: 11:00:00 - 12:30:00
Joint WG: Nursing and Allied Health Professionals & Adult Congenital Heart Disease Bridging the Gap: Transitional Programs for CHD Patients with Neurodevelopmental Challenges Chairs: Alexander van de Bruaene, Belgium & Eva Goossens, Belgium Developing personalized transition plans addressing cardiac and neurodevelopmental needs - Wendy Devals, Belgium Common neurodevelopmental challenges faced by CHD patients in the transition to adulthood - Jaspal Dua, UK Addressing neurodevelopmental and educational challenges in adolescents with complex CHD - Beatrice Latal, Switzerland Future directions and research opportunities in the field - Eva Goossens, Belgium